War Gaming and Simulation Systems
- Wargaming Handbook (UK MoD)
- Wargaming 101: What are Wargames? Wargaming Division, Marine Corps Warfighting Lab, MCCDC
- Wargaming 102: The Components of a War Game Wargaming Division, Marine Corps Warfighting Lab, MCCDC
- Infantry and Weapons Company Guide to Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations, TC 7-21.10, Headquarters, Department of the Army, July 2009
AARs, Combat Reports, and Combat Assessments
- 2nd Battalion Scotts Guards — The Battle for Mount Tumbledown — 13/14 June 1982
- Reassessing the Fighting Performance of Conscript Soldiers during the Malvinas/Falklands War (1982)
- Effectiveness of the Individual Riflemen in an Infantry Squad, NPS-AM-18-025, Naval Postgraduate School, December 2017
- Wilderness-Spotsylvania (1864) Staff Ride Briefing Book, US Army Center of Military History
- Lessons Learned from Russian Military Operations in Chechnya 1994-1996, Appendix J from Marine Corps Warfighting Publication (MCWP) 3-35.3, Military Operations on Urbanized. Terrain (MOUT)
- Russian Lessons Learned From the Battles For Grozny , Foreign Military Studies Office, Ft Leavenworth, 2000.
Load Carriage for Light Infantry
Free downloads. Some of these can be purchased as print books also.
- The Factors of Soldier's Load (1982)
- Load Carriage in Military Operations A Review of Historical, Physiological, Biomechanical, and Medical Aspects
- Modern Warriors Combat Load (2003)
- Rifle Platoon Basic Load in OEF XII
- The Soldier's Load and the Mobility of a Nation S. L. A. Marshall (1950)
- Planning Considerations for Lightening the Soldiers' Load U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group
- Soldier Combat Loads in the 21st Century (2015)
- The Effects of Posture, Body Armor, and Other Equipment on Rifleman Lethality
- Current and Future Load Bearing Equipment of the United State Marines An Online Survey (2003)
- Paying for Weight in Blood: An Analysis of Weight and Protection Level of a Combat Load During Tactical Operations Capt Courtney Thompson (2019)
- Soldier Load Carriage: Historical, Physiological, Biomechanical, and Medical Aspects MAJ Joseph J. Knapik, USA (Ret.), COL Katy L. Reynolds, USA (Ret.), Everett Harman, PhD, in Military Medicine, 2004
- The Carrying of Loads Within an Infantry Company Technical Report 73·51-CE, 1973
- Foot Marching, Load Carriage, and Injury Risk Army Public Health Center, Technical Information Paper No. 12-054-0616
- Comparison of Cold Weather Clothing Biophysical Properties Defence Research and Development Canada, May 2018
- Reducing the Battery Burden on the Dismounted Soldier Thales white paper (2016)
Print books you have to purchase, check out, or borrow
- Vietnam Anzacs
- Green Beret in Vietnam
- US Army Long-Range Patrol Scout in Vietnam 1965-71
- US MACV-SOG Reconnaissance Team in Vietnam
- US Army Infantryman in Vietnam 1965–73
High Mobility Load Carriage Alternatives
- Special Forces Use of Pack Animals FM 3-05.213 (FM 31-27) June 2004
Nutrition and Sustaining Troops
ISR and Counter-ISR (including counter drone)
- SIGMAN Camouflage SOP A Guide To Reduce Physical Signature Under UAS, Unofficial 2/5 Marines 2ndbn5thmar.com (June 2020)
- ULCANS Increment 1 Graphic Training Aid 05-04-043 (January 2020)
- ULCANS Increment I, Fibrotex (Website)
- Tactics of use by enemy FPV drones and ways to counteract it (Ukraine, 2024)
Cold Weather and Steep Terrain Operations and Gear
- Mountain Warfare and Cold Weather Operations Leader’s Book — No. 20-14 - US Army CALL
- Small Unit Leader's Guide to Mountain Warfare Operations — MCRP 12-10A.1 - USMC April 2018
- Soldiers Guide to Mountain Warfare 12-13
- Protective Combat Uniform Visual User Guide
- UD 6-81-6E Instruction in Winter Service Bivouac (Norway, English Edition, November 2010)
- ECWCS GEN III Operator Manual TM 10-8415-236-10, November 2014
- Camouflage of Infantry and Individual Weapons FM5-20A (February 1944)
Handbooks and Guides for Light Infantry Leaders
- Mountain Warfare and Cold Weather Operations Leader’s Book — No. 20-14 - US Army CALL
- Combat Leaders Guide
- Jungle Operations FM 90-5 (1982)
Operations Involving Transport and Traffic Control
- ART Conduct Route Security Operations
- CMH_Pub_90-4-B Vietnam Studies: Airmobility
- GTA 90-01-055 (September 2010) Traffic Control Point Operations Smartcard
Counter-Insurgency and Low-Intensity Conflict
Free downloads.
- Small Wars Manual FMFRP 12-15, USMC (1940, reprinted 1990)
- How Insurgencies End RAND Corporation for the Marine Corps Intelligence Agency (2010)
Print books you have to purchase, check out, or borrow
- Small Wars: Their Principles and Practice MG C. E. Callwell (1896)
Improving Effectiveness of the Warfighter
- Effects of Sight Type, Zero Methodology, and Target Distance on Shooting Performance measures While controlling for Ammunition Velocity and Individual Experience ARL (US Army Research Laboratory) TR-8594 (December 2018)
- Camouflage of Infantry and Individual Weapons FM5-20A (February 1944)