Central War Gaming - Rules

War Gaming Rules


Mixed-system rules for Swift Fox 2025

Be sure to read up on the rules addendum for airsoft+MILES.

These rules have been created for the safety and enjoyment of all participants. No rules are there on whim, but due to our experience with these sorts of events. If you ever wonder about one, don't hesitate to ask.

Nothing here should be surprising. The rules are mostly quite typical for force on force events, so should not be unexpected for those used to military exercises, airsoft or paintball games. Many of the rules focus on safety, how to call hits, and making no one can game the system to gain an advantage that would remove the training value and fun from the event for everyone.

We do have unique casualty treatment rules, so be sure to peruse those, especially if you are a real-world medic and wish to use it practice your skills.

All event rules and equipment requirements must be followed by all participants. Sanctions up to and including failure to admit or ejection from the event are available to the game staff for participants who do not follow these rules.

Jump to: Event Policies | Personal Equipment | Equipment Destruction and Enemy Equipment Discovery | Weapons | Hits, Medic and Respawn | Prisoners | Vehicles | Electronic Devices | Safety and Exceptional Conditions | Rules and Changes

Summary of the Rules

Event Policies & Principles

Safety First

While the event is specifically designed to be challenging, it should not be actually dangerous. Consider the consequences and avoid activities that may result in excessive risk before carrying them out, or ordering or encouraging others to do so.

Team Leader, Squad Leaders and others in the Chain of Command have a responsibility for the safety of their troops. They must balance action with safety and the relative comfort of the players

If you are physically incapable of performing an assigned task, inform your immediate Leader. We will do our best to solve the problem or find a role to allow you to participate in the remainder of the event.

Follow the Intent

Milsim is about establishing a realistic simulation of combat that is safe for everyone to participate in. The rules, guidelines and equipment requirements are designed to assist everyone with achieving this, but may not cover every contingency.

When a situation occurs which is not clearly covered by rules or other guidelines, consider the overall framework of the event, the scenario, and the effect on the entire event. Do not interpret or work around rules with the sole intent of individual or team gain.

Players found to be willfulling violating the spirit of the event, by exploiting loopholes in rules, may be subject to sanctions up to and including ejection from the event.

Actions for the good of the team, unit or event may result in you individually being inconvenienced or subjected to some discomfort. This is unavoidable in group activities.

Age Requirements

Anyone over the age of 18 by the first day of the event may participate without restriction.

Government issued identity documents will be checked on entry to the field.

Respect for Property

The event will be played on land owned and used by others. Unless otherwise communicated, you are allowed to drive anywhere safe, dig holes and cut down small trees for fires or barricades.

But respect the property. Do not destroy important trees, damage permanent structures or roadways, perform actions which may cause flooding, cause fires, or so on.

Be aware of field/range boundaries, and do not cross them. Do not allow anything fired or launched to leave the property.

Especially as there may be livestock on parts of the property, even if not at the time of the event. Leave all gates as you find them after passing through; close those that are closed, leave any you find open that way as well.

Pick up all your trash, and that you find from other players. Littering is prohibited.

Event Time and Immersion

The event is a full-time activity from the start of play till the end. Anyone leaving the field for any reason will not be re-admitted.

Respect Your Chain of Command

You will be issued instructions and orders, and as a Leader will pass those onto your subordinates. It is important to follow these instructions when safe and possible, to preserve the spirit of the event, and to enable the success of your unit.

In game orders and reports should follow the chain of command. You will generally only accept orders from and will report back to your immediate superior. In case they are unavailable, know who is next up in the chain, and next above them.

Event Fees

Registration fees must be paid at designated times or your order may be cancelled. Fees may not be paid at the field. Refunds for deposit or final fees are generally not available due to changes in your finances or availability.

Personal & Team Equipment

Required Equipment

The equipment required is to assure the event, your unit and you are properly equipped to deal with likely tactical and environmental situations you may encounter, and to provide a consistent, enjoyable, effective experience for everyone.

Remember you are light infantry. Do not assume a base camp or motor transport. Though your squad may set up a patrol base, you should instead plan on carrying all of your equipment for the entire duration of the game.

Ultimately you are responsible for your safety and comfort. The items on the equipment list are minimums. Pack, use and maintain items to keep you effective, safe, and comfortable.

Work as a Team

Remember you are organized as units. It is not necessary to carry all equipment needed to carry out the mission as an individual the entire time. Work with your squad to assure you have the required equipment, and to balance loads.

Respect the chain of command. Whether equipment or orders for movement or action, remember that they take into account the needs of the team and their orders from higher. They are not acting irrationally or selfishly, even if they do not explain the reasoning to you at the time.

Pre-Combat Inspection

All troops, before entering the field, will submit to a Pre-Combat Inspection (PCI). Some or all of your equipment may be inspected on demand of the game administrators or any member of your Chain of Command to assure you have the proper equipment.

All equipment must be packed properly. You will be required to carry all your equipment securely and safely on your body, and be able to move, maneuver and fight.

Therefore, all participants will be required to load all their individual equipment, including their rucksack, put their individual weapon in their hands, then:

  1. Jump up and down at least 10 times
  2. Walk 100 meters, then briskly walk 100 meters back to the start point

If anything falls off, or has to be stabilized to finish the course, it must be fixed and you must try again.

Machine guns, rocket/grenade launchers not attached to the individual weapon, and any spare individual weapons do not have to be tested for load carriage, but will have to be carried onto the field.

One Movement to Battle

All equipment will be carried onto the field in one movement to battle per unit and time. There will be no ferrying gear from cars in multiple runs and no stragglers. All soldiers will be required to have their equipment on their bodies and will walk until past the line of departure. All soldiers will move into the field as part of their squad.

Team equipment and heavy weapons may be transported on vehicles from the parking area. All equipment must be in suitable storage equipment. It cannot be in irrelevant, blank or commercial cardboard boxes, bright duffel bags, commerical coolers, etc. Use military issue (or similar equivalent) storage boxes, bags, packs and other containers.

Once clear of the line of departure, unless otherwise specified by event rules or your chain of command, vehicles may be used to transport individual equipment and troops.

Pre-Setting Resupply Items

Certain equipment which will only remain at the resupply point such as weapon recharge equipment, food and shelter may be pre-staged with the permission and coordination of the event staff.

Equipment Destruction and Enemy Equipment Discovery

Discovery and Searching

Due to the need to be light infantry, there will be many cases you leave behind your rucks or other equipment. It may not always be possible to establish a patrol base with guards, so you will have unattended caches. Be sure you can find your equipment again: Write it down, leave markers, and obtain things like additional cateyes to place on your packs so you can find them in the dark when you get close.

No enemy equipment found will be actually destroyed or significantly disturbed. Do not move equipment more than a few yards, or even pour out water bottles. You may search items found carefully, and copy documents, for example. Be sure you do not leave items in such a way they can be damaged by wild animals or weather.

Use special caution with tents or bivy sacks to assure you do not open one where players are sleeping without eye protection on.

Unattended vehicles may also be found and destroyed by enemy forces.

Destruction of Enemy Equipment

Equipment may be destroyed in game by marking the equipment as destroyed. Destruction cannot occur while you are actively engaged in battle. The individual destroying the equipment must be dedicated to his job for the full time it takes to carry out the task.

The marking can be any clearly-written label such as one torn from your notebook. Indicate the items were "DESTROYED," and 1) The unit carrying out the action 2) The item destroyed 3) The date and time of the destruction. Destruction is much like Safety Kill, and cannot apply to widely separated items (such as a whole Patrol Base) but only to individual items such a pack, or machine gun.

When placing the note, say "Destroyed" in a loud, clear voice. Not yelling, just loud, to simulate the noise made by smashing, breaking, shooting, burning or otherwise carrying out destruction of enemy equipment.

Make sure the note is clearly visible, legible, and does not itself damage equipment. It may be necessary to leave a lightstick, or some other marker so the note is not missed at night. For vehicles, leave the note on the steering wheel or driver's door. Vehicle destruction means the vehicle cannot be driven but equipment stored in the cargo area must be separately destroyed. Do not remove any equipment from vehicles.

Items with notes that do not meet all these requirements are not destroyed. If you find a loose note, do assume that it blew away from the item destroyed and attempt to associate it properly.

Destroyed Equipment Can Be Used for Safety

Equipment should never remain unused if there is a current or imminent threat of injury. For example, food and water supplies, cold or wet weather gear in backpacks, or shelters, can be used if players require them and may become casualties without them.

Do not use destroyed equipment to gain a tactical advantage.

Searching Enemy Casualties

Enemy casualties can be searched while they are still in their original position. Casualties moving to the Aid Station are not logically present so cannot be searched.

Do not actually search the casualty. Approach them, indicate they are being searched and ask them for any documents or other sensitive items they may have. The casualty will indicate where to find them, or hand them to the individual searching.

Documents found will need to be copied, photographed or transcribed and cannot be physically taken.

No other items, such as munitions, can be taken from casualites. Equipment with casualties cannot be destroyed and will move away with the casualty. If additional details of their equipment are required, you may ask about weapons, ammunition loads, optics, or anything else important to your intelligence gathering.

Resurrection of Destroyed Equipment

Destroyed equipment must be resurrected like a vehicle or person killed in battle. It must be transported to the Company/Troop Aid Station, and remain there for 2 hours. After this time, it is again usable.


Allowed models of weapons, modifications and accessories are described in the equipment list for your event and you assigned army and unit.

Power Factor (Velocity Limit)

All weapons on the field must output 1.5 J or less. There are no exceptions for snipers, machine guns, or so on.

All weapons, including backups will be checked via chronogaph by the event staff or your leadership during the check-in process.

  1. At test, present your weapon, unloaded and with an empty magazine to the chrono staff
  2. There is likely to be a line. Get in line, and watch where the firing line is
  3. Wear eye protection
  4. Use safe gun handling procedures: keep your finger off the trigger and keep the muzzle pointed at the ground
  5. Follow all instructions from the chrono staff

Guns passing the test will be marked. Do not remove or modify the marking. Weapons without a marking will be removed from the event and may be seized by event staff until the end of play.

Anyone found to be modifying or attempting to forge or otherwise improperly mark a weapon as passed will be ejected from the event.

You may re-submit any failed gun for re-test as long as staff are performing tests during the checking period.

Weapons which exceed the power limit at the end of the check in period will not be admitted to the field. There are no exceptions.

Pellets (BBs)

All ammunition for rifles and machine guns will be provided by the event staff. You may not bring any BBs onto the field for your guns. Be sure all your magazines and other reloadable, pellet-expending devices are empty on arrival at the field.

Your squad will be provided a basic load at check in, to distribute to the squad. Additional ammunition will be available at the supply depot, probably located near the Company/Troop Aid Station, and may be carried forward as packed in ammo cans, in quantities related to the type of ammunition.

Ammunition is specific to weapon classes. One type of pellet will be provided to the 7.62x51 rifles, one to the 5.56 rifles, and another to machine guns. You may not use ammunition that is not for your gun; if you carry a 7.62 rifle and capture or are provided some 5.56 ammunition, you may not use it as it notionally will not fit. Pellet weight will vary, so your gun will actually hit the wrong place as well. Pellets are color coded so event staff can check this as well

Pellets For Other Weapons

You may (and due to limits of supply, probably will want to) provide pellets for any reloads needed on mines, grenades, or other support weapons that fire masses of projectiles. These pellets must be white or other bright colors. They cannot be a color that is easily confused with supplied rifle ammunition. Metal pellets are strictly prohibited.

Repairs in the Field

Repairs in the field are not recommended due to limited time and resources and will not be supported. If a gun is disassembled, it will need to be retested for safety. There is likely to be insuffient time or staff manpower to provide re-test services. Do not rely on it.

Marking of Inspected Weapons

All weapons will be marked as pass at the chrono station. Only passing guns will be allowed on the field. All others must be stored in the parking area or otherwise removed from the field entirely.

All weapons must have their passing test mark the entire event. If found on the field without a passing test mark, the gun must be removed from the field immediately.

Individuals found removing or altering marks will be ejected from the event.

No Adjustable Weapons

Any weapons that have easily-adjustable gas feed, spring rate, or otherwise can be modified so the velocity can be changed without disassembly must be declared at check in. CWG staff will attach appropriate locking and marking so everyone is assured the mechanism remains in the safe condition it was chronographed.

Any attempt to circumvent these rules to have a variable velocity gun, are serious safety violations and will result in immediate dismissal from the event.

Realistic Rate of Fire

All weapons that can fire fully-automatically will have a realistic rate of fire. M4/M16 weapons fire at about 835 spm, not 2000. If your rate of fire is clearly too high or to low your weapon will not be allowed.

Other Weapons

Grenade launchers, rocket launchers and handguns may not be your individual weapon. You may carry any of these devices if they are safe, and meet other requirements, but must also have an individual rifle as described above. Machine gunners may carry a machine gun as their primary, individual weapon.

No other weapons are permitted. No marksman rifles or sniper rifles, knives or any other devices are permitted.

Sighting Equipment

We are responsible for all pellets we fire, and aim our shots. Your rifle must have sights, that must be functional at the time you are shooting the gun. If your optical sight fails, you may resort to backup iron sights, but they must be installed, elevated and not obsctructed by the broken scope, for example.

Reloading Support Weapons

Support weapon can only be reloaded in the field as they would actually be. For example, AT-4s can only be fired once, 40 mm grenades cannot be recharged with gas.

Reloadable weapons may be reloaded, but additional shots must be of similar size and shape to the real world reload. These items do not have to be actually used but correspond to the number of available reloads. E.g. a backpack of three PG-7 grenades can be worn, and never used, but only three 40 mm grenade reloads for your RPG-7 can be used.

Recharging Support Weapons

Weapons that are not reloadable in the real world such as disposable rockets or 40 mm grenades can be recharged with gas, pellets or whatever is needed at the Casualty Collection Point. Equipment may be stored here to assist with this and does not need to simulate real world equipment.

Ammunition Resupply

Supplies such as spare pellets for rifles, or recharged rocket or grenade ammunition may only be moved around the battlefield or from the supply depot by simulating their real world bulk and weight.

CWG will issue all BBs in steel ammo cans or sealed battlepacks. These may of course be carried, but as soon as they are opened and used to a significant degree, there is no need to carry the ammo container anymore. This allows part of an ammo can to be distributed to players in need, and the rest to be stored like broken down ammo would be in boxes of stripper clips. You may load speedloaders, or just carry any spare baggies of ammo loose if needed.

Ammunition in magazines is being carried in a realistic-sized unit already. While some other items, such as 40 mm grenades are realistic in size, others are not.

Machine gunners may carry the same amount of ammo as the gun holds on your LBE, but it must be in a container of a similar size to the on-gun ammo container. This can be an actual ammo container (e.g. keep spare speedloaders or baggies inside a surplus SAW box) or may simply be a spare MG ammo pouch blocked with wood, foam or cardboard to the right size, so the ammo bags or speedloader fit inside and take up the proper space. Fractions are fine; carrying half as much ammo in half the space is reasonable if pouches for the feed box would be inconveniently large.

Rocket launcher reloads are similar. If your RPG-7 fires Nerf rockets powered by BB showers, and the PG-7 grenade is only for decoration, you must carry with you a backpack with space blanked out as big as one PG-7 grenade for each Nerf rocket and loaded BB shower you have on your person (or even better: get mockup rockets and the proper reload backpack). You can be resupplied with something as simple as a duffel bag with PVC tubes as large as PG-7 rockets.

Reload analogues such as this must have a marking system to indicate they are only used once. The supplies must be sealed with tape or wire tie before being removed from the supply depot. You can re-use the reload transport device; just bring more tape or wire ties to seal it at the supply depot reload point. Other marking systems may be considered but must be approved in advance by the event admin.

Minimum Engagement Distance

Minimum engagement distance is 20 feet (6 m). Within 20 feet (6 m), players who wish to engage the enemy must use the Safety Kill.

Safety Kill

A Safety Kill is the functional equivalent of shooting an enemy, but does not involve actually shooting for safety purposes. Safety Kills are a courtesy, not a goal. Safety Kills are not negotiable, unlike a surrender, and should not be argued.

In order to Safety Kill another player, you must have your weapon trained directly upon them during the entire time you say "Safety Kill" loud enough to be audible to that individual.

To Safety Kill multiple people you must train your weapon on each one of them in turn, and say "Safety Kill" each time.

Handgun Safety

Handguns must be kept in a holster when not actually being fired. Handguns in holsters are safe and do not need to be cleared before entering any designated safe areas.

Handguns must be cleared like all weapons when leaving the field.

Exploding Munitions

Actual exploding munitions, and simulated explosions with pressurized gas, are used throughout the CWG battlefield. Exploding munitions for our purposes include but are not limited to:

All exploding munitions must expel BBs to be effective on the battlefield. Any BB hit is a hit, and normal casualty rules apply. Also remember that any second hit before a medic treats you is automatically a kill, so if you are hit by several BBs from a grenade, rocket, or mortar, you are dead.

Exploding munitions that do not expel BBs are generally considered to have the effect of a flash bang. They cannot kill, but distract, disrupt, and can cause injury at only close ranges.

Any individual directly hit by a projected exploding munition, or who sets one off (trips a land mine, or picks up an unexploded munition which then detonates) is automatically killed.

There is no "kill radius," and only those hit by pellets become casualties.

Under Review

With the lack of TAGINN round availability, the use of bursting launched grenades is becoming massively restricted, and pellet-throwing bursting grenades are even more rare.

We'd like to ask everyone to give as much benefit of the doubt as they can to launched munitions that do not explode or do not expel projectiles, and accept casualties when they land nearby, especially inside closed areas such as "concrete" structures or bunkers.

Though it caused trouble, our previous rule was all within a 10 ft radius (20 ft diameter) become casualties. In enclosed spaces, often it is best to consider all to be immediately killed instead.

Inert Projectiles

Projectiles that do not explode in any way are called inert munitions. Nerf rockets and other such anti-vehicle munitions are only effective against vehicles. They have no secondary effects against personnel. Firing an inert rocket round into a crowd of enemy soldiers will have no effect.

However, do not fire rockets directly at individuals, and avoid direct fire use of rockets through windows or other places you know or expect a person to be. Direct fire use of rockets is prohibited under 20 feet. Safety kills are not allowed under this range; the warhead is assumed to not arm inside this range.

In the event you are hit with a rocket or any other projectile, you will become a casualty as though hit by a BB.


Land mines of all sorts are allowed, and may be encountered anywhere in the field. While the conventional armies are parties to the Ottawa treaty and will not use anti personnel land mines, non-state actors and old minefields from previous decades still exist, and may pose a threat. Note that some of our fields pose an actual UXO threat, as not all simulated land mines have been recovered; they have been set off years after being lost.

Land mines may fire BB projectiles, or only make noise. As with all systems BB hits are the primary mechanism of injury.

All mines will kill the individual who trips the mine, whether hit by a BB or not.

Every effort must be made by those emplacing mines to avoid un-necessary risk of real world injury to other players:

Vehicles and Mines

Soft skinned vehicles will suffer anti-personnel mine hits as though shot with a machine gun, and may suffer damage. Refer to the vehicle kill book.

Anti-tank land mines must look like anti-tank land mines, and cannot be anti-personnel mines simply declared to be anti-tank.

Mines must fire some visible charge, gas or smoke, but do not need to expel pellets. As with anti-armor rockets, it is likely the crew will not see or understand the effect, so – as is best practice for real world mines – the mine should be overwatched, with a team that has the capability to flag down (or call on the radio) that the vehicle has been hit in this case.

Marked Minefields

An area may be surrounded with cord or wire, and marked at regular intervals with internationally recognized mine markers. This is then considered a full-density active minefield, even if no actual mines are placed inside.

These will most often be used administratively, to make non-playable areas in the middle of the field or that otherwise oddly intrude into the area have an in-game reason for being off limits. However, if players wish to establish one, the time taken to make an effective boundary marker and place flags is considered sufficient to simulate the effort, risk, and time to actually emplace mines.

Troops entering such an area will automatically take casualties at the rate of one for every minute, or part of a minute, they are present in the area. A moment crossing into it will immediately cause a casualty, and another one minute later, and so on. Casualties are per available measurable unit; vehicles (and their troops or contents) will also be lost at one per minute. Casualties are not deaths; casualty cards will be used to assess all minefield-induced casualties.

Hand Grenades

No paint, water, or chalk marking grenades are allowed.

All grenades must be designed for war gaming events. Absolutely no use of live munitions including practice grenades or practice flashbangs.

Hits, Medic and Respawn

Hit Calling Policy

Airsoft is a event of courtesy and respect. You are expected to indicate whenever you have been hit. We rely upon each and every player on the field to guarantee a great experience for everyone so every player must do their part.

We are intolerant of people who do not call hits, we are equally intolerant of people who allow others to not call hits.

If you hit someone, politely let the person know that they are hit. Note that "being sure you hit them" requires seeing BBs bounce off the target. Aiming and pulling the trigger does not guarantee a hit.

If you see someone on your team get hit and they do not feel it, or call it, then let them know that they are hit.

If someone says that you are hit then you are hit. There is to be no argument or discussion.

If you discover a player not calling hits, it is your responsibility to find out who that player is and let your chain of command or the event administrators know.

Players who demonstrably do not call hits will be ejected from the event.

Equipment Counts as You

A pellet striking anything you are wearing, holding or carrying counts as a hit. A pellet striking your rucksack, rifle or that ammo can you are carrying? That is a hit on you.

This is because it is very difficult to tell in game what was actually struck, and at what angle. Equipment struck by gunfire may not stop the bullet and may fragment, causing injuries itself so a hit to equipment is not safe but an injury mechanism.

A BB is Always a BB

If you are hit by a BB, react as though struck by a shot from a rifle. While other injury mechanisms are available, such as blast from mines and rockets, BB pellets always work the same way and always inflict wounds.

Weapons Are Indiscriminate (A Hit is a Hit)

Weapons can injure and kill anyone on the battlefield. If you shoot at or near frieldly forces, you may hit them as well, and the weapon will have the same effect. If you drop a grenade at your feet, you can blow up your whole squad. There is no such thing as friendly fire.

If There is a Question, There is No Question

Not sure if the pellet hit you directly, the vehicle you are in, or tree you are next to, then assume it hit you.

Medics & Medic Bags

Each fire team will have one Medic, with a medic kit. Every time you leave to go on a mission, for teams as small as two people, try to always bring a medic bag with you. This means each team can treat their casualties in the field, instead of everyone simply dying.

The individual with the medic bag at the start of that movement is the medic for that team and is the only one who can use the medic supplies as he is assumed to be a trained medic.

Only the medic can use the equipment in the Medic Bag. It can be handled by a non-medic but not used. Supplies can be carried outside the bag to be relayed to the Medic, but cannot be used until placed in the Medic Bag. No soliders, including Medics, can provide self-care.

If the Medic is wounded or killed, and no other medics are immediately available, the bag can be transferred to another, who then becomes the Medic.

Medic supplies can be looted, so enemy forces can steal your supplies (except casualty cards) if the medic is captured or killed. The bag should not be kept as it is personal property of the Medic or team.

When Hit

Say "HIT" loudly. Raise your hands and/or your weapon in the air to make it clear who has been hit. Display a red rag to indicate you are not in play.

Lay down where you are. You may slouch or slump against obstructions, walls, trees, etc if they are in your way and you would naturally fall against them. You should move out of roadways or other dangerous places. Avoid moving after laying down or you may look like a crawling enemy and be fired upon. If you must move, make it obvious, such as by waving your red rag first.

You may, within 5 seconds of being hit, make a dying declaration such as "Medic," "Oof," or "They got me!" but may not communicate tactical information.

If you continue to come under fire directed at you individually, wave the red rag and loudly declare "HIT" again, until they stop.

Instant Death

Certain weapons can be assumed to have killed you immediately and no first aid can help. If in a destroyed vehicle, immediately next to a rocket impact, or other such things, you may assume you are killed immediately, but will abide by all other rules including timeout, below.


If you have been laying down for 5 minutes without receiving aid from a Medic, you have suffered a fatal injury and cannot be revived.

If there is no action in the area, get up and move to the Casualty Collection Point.

If there is current activity such as a continued battle, do not get up and disturb the battle. Do not move through other actions or join groups of others who are not casualties. Do not talk to others except as absolutely needed.

Display the red rag in such a way as to clearly indicate to anyone who may observe your movement you are not in action.

A Medic may try to revive you after the five minute mark. You cannot discourage them from coming to assist you, but may tell them when they begin treatment that you have been killed.

Transporting Casualties

Casualties who have not yet been treated cannot move, but can be moved by others to bring them to a Medic. As long as another player is contacting the casualty continuously with at least one hand, the five minute bleeding counter is paused. If the player assisting is hit, or begins fighting, the counter re-starts. It is a key responsibility of the casualty to keep track of the time remaining.

In order to avoid real world injuries, do not actually pick up casualties, or use an off-the ground stretcher. The fireman's carry is specifically prohibited. Only the following methods are allowed:

  1. Dragging by their LBE or other suitable clothing. Only do this slowly, over very short distances, and with their permission beforehand. They may be laying on rocks or thorns, and prefer to not be moved at all.
  2. Using a modified Hawe's Carry. Do not actually lift the casualty off the ground.
  3. Two Person Supporting Carry.
  4. Dragged on a stretcher designed for this, such as a Sked.

Casualties will assist when being moved to assure they are not injured and their equipment is not lost or damaged, but cannot participate in other tactical activities such as shooting back.

These methods, and principles of casualty movement are covered here and in other articles and training materials you may find online.

Treating Casualties

Only a Medic may provide first aid. This is a 3rd world army, and does not have the time or budget to train everyone for buddy care.

Move to the Casualty:

To treat, the Medic must first be within close range of the casualty. The medic must be able to easily reach the casualty; arms reach is not close enough.

The Medic will indicate to the casualty he is a Medic, and the casualty will indicate if they have exceeded the 5 minute limit or are otherwise dead and cannot be revived (e.g. hit by a rocket or otherwise obviously dead regardless of what the casualty card says).

Evaluate the Casualty:

The Medic will retrieve a Casualty Card from the Medic Bag. These will have a series of wounds from graze (no effect, carry on) to treatable injuries, to death. Cards indicate conditions, so read carefully. Some results will vary if the individual is wearing body armor or a helmet.

The Medic will write the date and time on the Casualty Card. If the casualty requires no treatment, the medic will inform the player they have been treated, and will assure they have replaced their dead rag before allowing them to resume action.

Treat the Casualty:

If the card indicates a debilitating limb wound, the Medic will use supplied materials to immobilize the relevant body part as described.

If a casualty requiring a bandage is encountered but there are no more, the wound cannot be treated and the casualty can only be moved as indicated above, or will die if not able to be moved to the Aid Station.

The Casualty Card will be retained by the casualty and turned in at the Aid Station when convenient. A count of casualties will be taken; littering will not be tolerated.

Loaning or Borrowing Equipment

Casualties may deliberately leave behind equipment, or living players may request equipment be left for their use. Though the casualty normally cannot communicate, since the casualty will otherwise leave with all their equipment, and it is personal (not purchased by the Army) their permission is required so they must communicate. Keep such conversation brief and as quiet as possible.

Behavior After Treatment

Casualties who have been treated and released can resume full activities, except as indicated by the Casualty Card. If a limb is immobilized, the Casualty may not remove the sling or splint except for immediate safety purposes.

Second Wounds

Individuals can be wounded and treated as many times as required. If a wound has the same effect (immobilizing the same limb) the Medic must install a second splint or sling in the same location.

If the casualty is wounded a distinct second time before a Medic treats them, they are killed and cannot be revived.

Company/Troop Aid Station

A Company/Troop Aid Station will be established in the rear area of each side. Every soldier should know where their Company/Troop Aid Station is.

The Aid Station is a fixed site, and will be clearly marked with a red cross on a white background. Medics may set temporary Casualty Collection Points anywhere in the field they wish. These temporary CCPs are tactically oriented and remain hidden from the enemy so will never be marked with a red cross.

The Company/Troop Aid Station is notionally a staffed and defended site. It cannot be attacked or raided. Attacks are against the rules, so may be sanctioned otherwise, but as soon as everyone is aware they are attacking an Aid Station the entire attacking force becomes casualties as though struck by gunfire.

Do not locate tactical positions or the Supply Depot closer than 50 from the Aid Station. Troops that are not casualties should not be at the aid station, and must not fight from or adjacent to it.

Enemy troops should not approach the enemy Company/Troop Aid Station, fire upon it or establish ambushes nearby.

Healing and Resurrection

To be resurrected, or to heal a treatable wound such as an immobilized limb, go to the Company/Troop Aid Station and wait 2 hours.

When arriving at the Company/Troop Aid Station, call your headquarters with the provided method (a radio on the admin channel will be at the Company/Troop Aid Station). Your CoC will give you a time you may return to duty.

Casualties may remove their bandages, and should neatly re-package the bandage materials and place them back in the medical resupply box. Casualties at the Company/Troop Aid Station have no other required tasks, so should rest, eat and drink. Casualties may move outside the Aid Station but should stay within 10 m whenever possible, and should keep their dead rag on whenever outside the Aid Station shelter area.

Individuals at the Company/Troop Aid Station cannot participate in any tactical activities including giving or receiving orders, monitoring the tactical radio net, noting enemy activity within sight, or passing detailed information to others. Remember, you are dead.

Respawn and Re-Entering the event

You may only re-enter the field under direct control of your chain of command. You will be given instructions or should wait for a transport or your squad to come get you.

Do not call your CoC again unless you are more than 30 minutes past your respawn time.

Medical Resupply

Additional medical supplies will also be at the Company/Troop Aid Station, and will be restocked there as casualties return and are respawned. These may be moved forward in any container, including a pack used for other supplies./p>



Soldiers may not take prisoners, or accept surrenders. Do not attempt to seize or hold prisoners. Anyone who says you are taken prisoner or demands a surrender can be ignored. Continue fighting or walk away.

You may surrender to marked police, who may then "search" you (see the rules for this under Searching Enemy Casualties). You are then notionally taken into custody and will be interrogated at a remote site, later. Once the searching is over, the player becomes a casualty, returns to the aid station for the normal recovery period, and cannot talk about what happened as the person this happened to is in jail elsewhere.

Never use physical contact to attempt to subdue or secure an individual. Only the approved airsoft and related weapons are allowed to inflict casualties.



Vehicles will be in use by players and staff at the event. Vehicles will not be simulated or modified; plywood and green paint on a van does not make it a tank.

All vehicles will be as they actually are and may not purport to be something else. If you drive a pickup truck, regardless of what color you paint it, it will not be an armored vehicle unless it actually is armored.

Armored or uparmored versions of vehicles must carry actual plate to get the effect of the armor, or simulations approved by CWG. Armor is only effective over the covered area; open top vehicles, opened hatches and vision ports will be unarmored areas, just like they would be in reality. A pellet or grenade that goes through an open area has its actual effects. 

Actual surplus military vehicles (from any country) are strongly encouraged, not just because they are military, but as they are more rugged and more reliable, and more capable off road than anything else. Shiny paint and chrome accessories are discouraged for obvious reasons. 

Trikes are not permitted due to safety. Quad bikes, side-by-sides, sandrails, dune buggies, and motorcycles are permitted but should as with other vehicles be in subdued colors to simulate the now-pervasive use of such vehicles in military service.

Vehicles must be well-maintained. You may not have large areas of exposed rust, or missing components, at least at the start of the event; damage during the event is acceptable as long as not dangerous. You may not cover components with duct tape or otherwise make obviously temporary modifications.

If you bring your daily driver, you may not be annoyed it gets dents from BBs or Nerf rockets. You may wish to protect any exposed and fragile components like the grille, but should otherwise be prepared to accept dirt or damage that may occur from enemy fire, cargo handling, troop hauling or accidents while driving.

All vehicles must carry a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit, a red flag and smoke can to indicate when killed, the issued smoke cannisters, as well as the kill card book. This includes ATVs and motorcycles, so be sure to provide sufficient space for this equipment. Tools and spares to repair the vehicle, or help get it un-stuck are strongly recommended.

Your chain of command may impose additional constraints.

Vehicle Crew

Vehicle crews are people assigned to an armored or other specialty vehicle where in their primary job is driving, assisting with a driving or other activity (cargo handling, earthmoving...), or manning a weapon system mounted to the vehicle. Examples of this would be Ferret and BRDM scout cars, BTR-60 APCs, or any tank.

These vehicles all have a specific purpose in life and/or are complex. They require a trained crew, that fits inside them, and who's mission is only about operating the vehicle in support of the infantry. Their job is not being infantry, so they are not assigned to an infantry squad.

Light utility vehicles (Jeeps, MUTTs and Land Rovers) or trucks are general purpose vehicles, which require no special training. They do not require a vehicle crew, and when permitted by the vehicle owner and chain of command, anyone may drive it. However, vehicle crew may be assigned if desired; for example, if the owner of a vehicle wishes for no one else to drive it.

ATV and motorcycle crew must be assigned. A list of those trained and authorized to use the vehicle will be printed and included with the vehicle paperwork (the kill card book). No others are permitted to operate these vehicles.

Vehicle Radios

Each vehicle must have a radio. A proper vehicle mount is encouraged to use vehicle power and to avoid damage to crew, or loss of the radio but portable radios may be used if properly secure otherwise.

The vehicle radio may not be dismounted or used outside the vehicle except by the vehicle crew. The vehicle crew is considered a unit, so their radio can be used only by that unit. If the radio can be easily dismounted, the vehicle crew may use the radio outside the vehicle, such as at an overnight campsite. The vehicle cannot be driven off without the radio.

Engaging Vehicles

Vehicles may be fired upon with any weapons, but effects vary by vehicle class. Soft skinned vehicles may be damaged or destroyed by small arms or machine gun fire. Light armored vehicles may be damaged or destroyed with grenade launchers. Heavier armor may only be damaged or destroyed by anti-armor rockets.

Individuals traveling inside or operating vehicles are afforded no special protection, and if they can be hit by a BB, may be injured in the same way as when on the ground.

Vehicle Engagement Safety

Many vehicles will be old, and gasoline powered. There is a significant risk of fire if pyrotechnics are used in or around vehicles.

Absolutely no bursting hand or launched grenades will be deployed to attack vehicles of any sort. To avoid confusion, do not use ANY bursting hand grenades, even those powered by inert gas.

Avoid excessive gunfire, especially on soft-skinned vehicles. Airsoft BBs can damage bodywork, radios, radiators and other components.

Calling Hits on Vehicles

Vehicles cannot call hits on themselves, so rely on players to notice the noise of impacts, or visually see pellets, mines or nerf rockets.

Sometimes, vehicles will be unattended, or due to action and noise the crew may not notice a valid hit. It is the responsibility of every player to notify vehicle crew their vehicle has been hit.

If no crew is handy, other players should mark the vehicle hit and note the time it was hit.

When Your Vehicle is Hit

When your vehicle is hit by any weapon or combination of hits (such as a sustained burst of small arms fire on a soft skinned vehicle) sufficient to damage or destroy it:

  1. Roll-stop to the side of the road, safely but quickly, to clear the roadway for other vehicles.
  2. Be careful when pulling off to avoid running down any players, or driving into a ditch.
  3. Deploy your red flag to indicate you are hit.
  4. Any BB strike on a person is a hit.
  5. Any crew still alive will open a Vehicle Casualty Card. Follow the instructions.
  6. If the whole crew or passengers have been hit and killed by any normal means, then sit and wait your 5 minutes.

Unattended vehicles may be hit, and need to be marked by non-crew players. Keep the flag and kill cards in a clear location or inform all players of the location during the initial safety briefing.

The following conditions and their actions are indicated on the Vehicle Casualty Card. Some will vary by vehicle type:

If a non-crew player deploys the vehicle flag, they should note the hit time. It can be written prominently on the back of the vehicle kill card, e.g. "HIT, Nerf Rocket, 13:27."

If the Vehicle Casualty Card has not been opened or repairs not initiated after five minutes, the vehicle is considered destroyed. Similar to individual "bleed out" time the damage is assumed to have become catastrophic, such as a small, unattended fire consuming the vehicle.

Only living and active vehicle crew can open the card, if the entire crew have become casualties, the vehicle may just sit there and expire.

All hits while a red flag is deployed are disregarded. Repair personnel may be injured or killed while performing the repair. Repairs must be uninterrupted for the entire indicated time, and cannot be disregarded for more than five minutes. If repairs are interrupted, the entire indicated repair time must be committed again, without interruption.

Note that crew or passengers cannot escape from being killed by jumping out of a vehicle under fire. If a truck comes under fire, do not jump out to try to escape injury. Everyone on the vehicle at the beginning of the engagement is subject to the casualty card.

Smoke provides an easy visual indicator of vehicle status for key damage/destruction mechanisms. The smoke grenade will be deployed into a fireproof can. This can be a simple used "tin can" of at least 16 oz size. Ideally, the can is attached to the vehicle in a convenient (and safe) location, but it may be placed on the ground instead. Assure a location is chosen that will not light brush or the vehicle on fire. Recover the can when the smoke has finished burning.

Vehicle Destruction and Respawn

If your vehicle has been destroyed:

Killed vehicles may be used to transport dead players to the Company/Troop Aid Station, but may not transport any living individuals, or any usable cargo. Killed vehicles may of course be used to transport real-world casualties.

On arrival at the Company/Troop Aid Station, notify your Chain of Command that the vehicle has arrived. You will be notified of your time of release, and may receive additional instructions.

Vehicles must be parked within 10 m of the Air Station. Keep the red flag deployed to indicate it is destroyed, and especially in case the bulk of the vehicle blocks any Aid Station symbols.

Reset time at the Company/Troop Aid Station is 2 hours, after which time the vehicle (and crew) become active again.

If a portion of the vehicle is damaged such as a weapon being out of commission, it can only be repaired by parking at the Company/Troop Aid Station for 2 hours as for a K-Kill.

Protective Equipment for Vehicle Operators

All operators and riders on quad bikes, motorcycles, and open-topped side-by-sides or similar vehicles must wear suitable DOT safety helmets, eye/face protection, and have sleeves rolled down to not expose any skin on arms or legs.

Eye/face protection does not need to be sealed, but must be dust-proof. A good idea is a face shield or large pair of goggles over the sealed safety goggles used for the game.


Plan ahead to assure eye protection can be retained when changing from any other headgear to the vehicle helmet.

Motorcycle riders are additionally required to wear gloves suitable for dirtbike use, and boots with ankle support (no shoes). You may wear actual motocross boots or shin guards, but the better option is generally to stay to trails and keep speed low.

Vehicle Operation

Only those qualified by event staff and allowed by the vehicle owner are to operate vehicles on the event field, during the event or otherwise. Other troops or staff may not operate vehicles without advance permission, qualifications, and safety equipment as required.

People may not ride in an unsafe manner. No one may ride on running boards, hoods, roofs, or so forth. For quadbikes and motorcycles, no pillion riders will be permitted. ATVs can only carry passengers in the passenger area; no use of any cargo areas for people will be permitted. Trucks may carry troops in the rear cargo area even without seats and restraints but some attention must be paid to safety so no one falls off, or is crushed by cargo.

Vehicles should only be operated on established trails, both for safety and for restrictions imposed by landowners in most cases. You may, except as specifically indicated, pull off road to park, hide, or deliver items to camps, even over significant distances.

Speeds must be kept reasonable for conditions. In most cases, vehicles should be operated at speeds between walking and running, 2-4 mph (3-7 km/h). Only on actual roads (vs trails) with adequate margins and during daylight, can higher speeds be used, but under no circumstances should vehicles inside the playable area of the field exceed 15 mph (24 km/h).

At all times it is the responsibility of the vehicle operator to ensure safe operation. Be especially aware that individuals may be hiding on the ground and can be easily run over if vehicle speed are too high. Use care when making unexpected turns, or pulling off a road, for two examples.

Absolutely no stunting of any sort will be permitted; vehicles will be used for tactical or operational purposes only.

Vehicles cannot be stolen. Unattended vehicles can be destroyed per the equipment destruction rules, but must NEVER be started or moved by opposing forces.

Any form of unsafe vehicle operation will result in revocation of driving privileges at the event.

Electronic Devices

Squad Radios

Each squad will have one radio. No backup or other radio may be carried, though any amount and configuration of accessory equipment such as microphones and batteries is expected.

The radio may be carried by any individual in the squad at any time. While the squad may designate that individual at the RTO, Radio Man, etc. this is not a special position such as for Medics. Anyone can use the radio, without special equipment or other rules coming into play.

Command posts may have additional radios to allow for operating on multiple channels at once, so are not bound by these rules.

Frequency Plan

Event administrators will develop the frequency plan. It will be disseminated to radio operators and squad leaders as needed from your chain of command.

You may only operate radios in your assigned frequencies. Frequencies will be assigned as part of individual event coordination.


Your company will implement an SOI (Signals Operating Instructions). It will include or refer to proper radio procedures, use of the phonetic alphabet, use of callsigns and prowords, etc. You will be expected to comply with the SOI issued.

No other Radios

No other radios allowed. No individual radios, no soldier intercoms, etc. will be allowed.

Other Communications Equipment

Field phones and other military communications using wire are expressly allowed, and encouraged.

You may not cut field phone wire if found.

Electronic Navigation Equipment

Electronic navigational equipment such as GPS devices are allowed. Any type of unit including consumer electronics are allowed.

Maps cannot be loaded to the unit for security purposes. Your GPS can only be used to find coordinates, and for any other features. The coordinates will have to be translated onto paper maps, instead.

Graphical displays of tracks, as long as they have no other map layers, and no waypoints are loaded, are allowed.

If you cannot remove digital maps from the unit you may not use the unit in the field.

No Signal Intercept, Spoofing or Jamming

Scanning and other radio intercept, or spoofing is prohibited as it is notionally ineffective. Radios are assumed to be encrypted.

Jamming is prohibited as it is specifically outlawed in the United States by multiple passages of the Communications Act of 1934, as well as 18 USC 1362 and 1367.

No Use of Captured Radios

Encryption is assumed to be removed or cleared before any radios are captured. Do not attempt to find frequencies or listen in to captured radio equipment.

Radio Direction Finding

Radio Direction Finding is allowed, if you want to bring the gear and spend the time.

Remotely Operated Vehicles (Drones & Robots)

Drones and similar vehicles, whether flying or ground vehicles, are allowed for tactical use or non-tactical recording the event action. Remotely operated or robotically controlled equipment are expressly prohibited from firing or dropping munitions, including smoke, flares, or light sticks, at any time.

Flying vehicles (Drones) are presumed to be (we pretend they are) military-grade and are too stealthy, ruggedized, or high-flying for infantry squads to engage them. For this reason and to avoid damaging fragile equipment, shooting at drones is prohibited. However, do not pilot drones below approximately treetop height and not closer than about about 10 m to the ground in any case.

Remotely operated ground vehicles must be similar in appearance to real military issue equipment (no RC cars, etc). They may be engaged as a normal manned vehicle and must have enough sensors to detect hits, and be able to deploy an indicator they are hit and not in action. Large vehicles or those operating at high speeds are prohibited to avoid danger to players by being run over or run into.

In order to assure remotely operated vehicles are used within the spirit of the event and do not upset the nature of the simulation (compressed distance and time) they may only be operated under one of two methods:

Each drone is controlled by a single operator. If the operator is killed, or injured such that they cannot control the drone for any significant time, the drone is also assumed to be lost or destroyed due to destroying the control unit, lack of commands given, or lack of control of the recovery site.

The drone cannot be used again until the operator has been revived or recovered from injuries at the aid station. Any data captured from the drone that is not already relayed to others cannot be used.

Personal Electronics

You can bring any personal electronics or other gadgets into the field with you. You will be responsible to make sure their use does not interfere with your operational readiness, or gives away your position by glowing or ringing. Your chain of command has the final decision on allowing or limiting their use in the field.

You may not use connected devices such as your mobile phone for tactical communications in the field. Do not attempt to call, text or otherwise message or share information with your other units to coordinate actions in any way.

As with all your equipment, any gadgets you bring into the field are subject to damage or loss, for which neither CWG nor anyone else is liable. If you fall on your phone, or the enemy tries to shoot down your drone, such is combat.

Safety and Exceptional Conditions

Eye Protection

Eye protection will be worn at all times during the event. There are no "safe zones," and even during safety pauses weapons are not cleared so eye protection must remain on. Your perception of a safe time or area may miss out on hidden dangers. Do not make your own decisions to remove your eye protection, or to allow others to do so.

Sealed tents (with closed doors and windows) and sealed vehicles are an exception, which you may use if available. Any openings including gun ports make it not a sealed area and you must have eye protection on.

Safe Operation of Lasers

Infra-red and visible lasers are permitted and will be found on the field. You are not required to use eye-safe lasers or install eye-safe lockouts but will be responsible — and may be legally liable — for misuse of the laser that results in injury. However, using the same rules as always for where you aim and fire your weapon should keep you and everyone else safe.

Be sure you know and understand your laser, and be sure it is off and preferably locked out when not in use, to avoid accidental close range blinding from having it turn on when racked or stowed. Do not aim lasers at eye level, such as at heads, or observation optics. Even low power lasers are only "eye safe" when viewed at reasonable distances with the naked eye. Scopes magnify the effects and do allow eyesafe lasers to become dangerous at close range. Avoid firing the laser at transparent or reflective surfaces where it may refract or reflect unexpectedly; this includes vehicle windows.

Safety Halts

Certain exceptional situations may require stopping the event temporarily.

If you see a situation that is dangerous, such as a serious injury, an individual with their goggles off, a wildfire, or so on, yell "Blind Man."

Do not use "Cease Fire." This is a legitimate tactical command and will be used to stop shooting, but does not stop other operations.

If you hear anyone say "Blind Man," repeat the phrase to others. Radio operators should pass the Blind Man signal on to all other stations, but remember to use proper procedure so it is clear who is transmitting, and where you are.

Restarting the Event

After a safety halt, the event may only be restarted by the Chief event Administrators. Remain near the position where you stopped the event, or return to it. Your headquarters will issue coordinating instructions which may require all units in contact to pull back, or other changes, and the event will restart at a specific time.

Do not remove your goggles at any time.

End of Event

The declared end of event time is a guideline. The exact time will be communicated through your chain of command as it approaches.

Transport off the field, recovery of equipment and policing for trash, as well as transport will be coordinated by Teams and Squads. Do not just wander off when end of game is announced, but remain with it until you return to the assembly area, are counted to assure no one is lost, and are released.

Do not remove your goggles until you have left the field. Clear your gun as soon as possible after the event is over, and be prepared to demonstrate it is safe when you leave the field.

Clearing Weapons

At the end of the event, if you must leave the event for some other reason, or any weapon that is to be taken out of service as being a danger to the players will be cleared.

Follow procedures suitable for your weapon system to clear the gun, and demonstrate it is safed to another individual. If a event staff demands you demonstrate the weapon is safe, follow their instructions, even if you have already done so.


In any strenuous outdoor activity such as this, injuries may occur. Take time to treat all minor wounds and injuries you may incur, assist others with theirs, and report those which cannot be easily dealt with or which may restrict your ability to perform your duties to your chain of command.

Each player is required to have a small medical kit, and should keep it with them. Vehicles and headquarters elements will have larger and more capable first aid kits.

In the event an injury occurs which is in your opinion serious, in which the individual cannot move under their own power so requires assistance, or which is life threatening, declare a safety halt and request the assistance of all individual and vehicles (including enemy) to resolve the situation.

Do not remove goggles, even from injuried individuals (unless there is an eye injury which may be treated in the field). Not everyone may have gotten the word that the event is suspended so you may suffer additional injuries.

Hazardous Weather

Inclement weather is part of life. Unless there is a seriously dangerous situation (e.g. a tornado on the ground), the event will not be halted.

Operations may be adjusted to account for weather conditions and keeping troops safe, but bring equipment and plan to operate in all likely conditions, day or night.

Chemical Weapons

You cannot bring or use irritating or debilitating agents such as CS gas spray or bursting cannisters, or devices which purport to be, or simulate chemical warfare agents.

Live Weapons

For airsoft events, absolutely no actual firearms will be permitted onto the field. Please leave concealed pistols in your car (or at home).

For certain other event types, live weapons are used in blank firing mode. All such weapons must meet certain equipment requirements, will be inspected and must be placed into service only with approved BFAs to assure safety.

All other blank firing devices, propane guns, or other firearms or explosive simulators are prohibited. Do note that some of these types of devices may be employed by event staff for specific uses, but cannot be made generally available for safety purposes at this time.

Pyrotechnics & Fires

When using any pyrotechnics, make all attempts to recover them after use to prevent littering, and to assure they have not, and will not, light the training field on fire. Especially for hand-thrown devices, simply walk over once the battle is done, and recover all pyro you can find, feel the ground and stomp out any hot spots or sparks until safe. This is a good task for casualties to perform before moving off to the aid station to respawn, so other troops can carry on with the mission.

Due to the varying risks of fire, smoke, flare and other pyrotechnic devices may or may not be permitted at any time. This permission may vary during the course of an event.

Event administration may, at the start of the event, permit or ban such devices from even entering the field.

Unless explicitly permitted for the individual event, do not use red aerial flares of any sort. They may be perceived as actual emergency signals by those off the field and unaware of the event.

If a ban is in place, you may still encounter pyrotechnic devices used as part of the scenario under controlled conditions. Use caution, report fires and damage, stop wildfires you encounter, and assist in fighting fires as directed.

Use extreme care with any other fire sources, such as stoves, heating tablets and cigarettes as well. Do not discard matches or cigarettes without burying.

No Intoxicants

Alcohol and other intoxicating substances are banned from the event field. Those found to be intoxicated or impaired, or distributing alcohol or other intoxicating substances to others on the event property will be ejected or denied admission.

Rules and Changes

Seeking Clarification, Arbitration or New Rules Creation

Any event staff or designated individuals may clarify rules, make decisions when rules are unclear, or impose additional rules at any time. All decisions are final but do not set precendent and apply to that situation or a declared set of situations for the remainder of the event alone.

You are expected to abide by all instructions given by event staff, immediately and without question.

If you disagree with a ruling, or feel that a rule causes a dangerous situation, is a violation of an indiviual's legal rights or safety, or significantly impedes the tactical or operational performance of your unit, raise the issue with your chain of command. If they agree, they may bring it up with the chief event administrators.

Chief event administrators should be co-located with your command staff. Chief administrator rulings cannot be appealed.

Please avoid interrupting the event for rules clarification. Take notes, and expect a robust After Action Reporting discussion online, after the event. We will make every effort to clarify, expand, remove and fix rules to improve the event in the future.

No Do Overs

Whatever happens, happens. No already committed actions on the battlefield will be revoked.

In the heat of battle, things may happen not according to the most ideal, strict version of the rules. A common occurrence is that a vehicle will not notice it was hit by a weapon. It may be notified of this later, and will then be marked as killed and must be repaired or resurrected. But all the actions it performed between the hit time and the killed time still happened. It would be extremely impractical to undo all those, and try to reset the war game to the point where that mistake occurred. So, it is just not done.

For serious issues where a mistake or violation will cause unusual problems for one or both sides, the event staff may make other one-time judgements in an effort to balance the results of the problem.

Seizing of Disallowed Equipment

Event staff or any individual designated by event staff may seize disallowed products, materials or equipment, including electronic devices and weapons.

Items will, whenever possible, be stored safely and returned to the owner on completion of the event. Consumables, and especially disallowed intoxicants, dangerous items, or unlawful products may be disposed of, destroyed or turned over to property owners, or law enforcement.

Participants who choose to not relinquish disallowed items will be ejected from the event.

Ejection or Failure to Admit

At the sole discretion of event administrators, any player or other individual may be ejected from the event or denied admission as a result of failure to obey the word or intent of any of these rules or regulations, failure to bring required equipment and maintain and use it properly, or for any other failure to obey local laws, statutes or regulations, or for other behavior clearly to the detriment or danger of other players or individuals.

Event participants failing to obey instructions of the event organizers may be subject to law enforcement or other legal intervention.

Decisions of the event administrators are not subject to appeal and fees paid will not be refunded for those ejected from the event.

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