Starting with Swift Fox 22, CWG added a third faction, the Grupo de Liberare or GDL.

The GDL will be organized and operate like a contemporary, non-state terror group, or insurgency. In contrast to the organized professional militaries of the two normal factions, this will provide a valuable and relevant training opportunity whether part of the unit, or opposing them.
Insurgents are not supervillain henchmen, just out to sow chaos. The GDL will have a specific mission, and does not necessarily involve fighting enemy soldiers, or if raiding may choose the time to engage in confounding ways. There will be as much planning, and need for intelligence, reconnaissance, communications, and security as for the organized state armies.
The GDL has slightly different rules and equipment requirements from the Kitoy or Ardean forces. Please first familiarize yourself with the basic rules and equipment requirements, then read the below changes to those.
- Organize and operate like an insurgent organization
- Land mines and other items prohibited by international law are permitted
- Any issued, military small arms can be carried
- Any uniform or subdued clothing is permitted, but tops and bottoms must not match
- Radios are not issued, but anything you bring including mobile phones can be used
- There will be a fixed campsite, so is no need to pack everything in a ruck...
- ...but bring one anyway, as there will be movement across the entire field to accomplish your mission, so it can help
Scroll down, or click each one, to see the details for these changes or exceptions.

Since the early 1950s there has been an off and on revolution in the sparsely populated, inaccessible northern Unpan Region of the nation of Pahmato, immediately to the south of Kitoy and Ardea.
The GDL is a long-standing conglomeration of indigenous, religious, and workers-rights resistance movements, with a distinctly left-wing, revolutionary flavor. Over the years they have conducted various pro-active campaigns, but have largely been occupied with defending their concept of a semi-autonomous region, and defending from periodic raids by Pahmato government forces to re-open the region.
The government has become much more inclusive in the last decade, taking much of the political support and funding away from the GDL. Their territory has become smaller, and the increasing pressure has driven them to changing tactics.
Vehicles, and vehicle kill
Vehicles still have kill cards, which work in the usual way. If you bring a vehicle, be sure to tell us in advance so we can certify it is acceptable, make clear who is allowed to drive it and review safety protocols, and provide you with the proper kill cards, and assure you have flags and smoke to indicate a kill for your vehicle type.
Land mines
As a non-state actor, the GDL is not a signatory to any agreements, and does not subscribe to almost any portions of international law. They may use items listed in the rules or equipment as banned by law, most specifically anti-personnel land mines.
Note that other rules which may seem to be based in the laws of land warfare, such as not attacking enemy aid stations, are still in force for other reasons.
All other rules apply
There are no other changes to the rules. Be sure to read the complete rules, be familiar with them, and help others on your team abide by them. Please note many rules are there for safety, so we rigorously enforce all of them.
If you have any questions about the rules, please don't hesitate to ask us, privately via email, or openly on the Facebook page so everyone can see and discuss.
Individual weapon
Almost any small arms are permitted, as long as it represents a real gun issued to some army, militia, paramilitary, etc. since 1955 (not manufactured, just issued). If you want to bring your AK, MP5, or Garand to a CWG event, this is your chance!
This is not a movie. No science fiction guns, but also no civilian hunting rifles, very old weapons, etc. The GDL is not new, and has had a chance to acquire weapons suitable for fighting, donated by backing states, on the open market, or by capture.
Snipers are not allowed, as essentially all airsoft guns have the same range and approximate accuracy. Bolt actions are discouraged, and no scopes with more than 4x magnification are permitted.
Shotguns may be permitted, but are probably best as a secondary weapon. If you wish to carry something unusual, contact us to discuss it.
All guns must have working sights, adjusted to the point of impact; we are responsible for all shots, and aim our weapons. Guns without sights are dangerous to other participants.
Only pellets issued by CWG may be used. The GDL is issued 0.30g pellets in black.
Handguns are permitted for all GDL troops, but encouraged only for unnit commanders, vehicle crews, or others for whom carrying a rifle may be inconvenient.
Any handgun that is modeled on a cartridge-firing repeating arm in common use anywhere is permitted.
Brightly colored, or otherwise highly customized match pistols are strongly discouraged.
Handguns must be carried in a holster designed to safely secure the pistol model you are using.
Support weapons
All other weapons are permitted, with the same requirements as usual. The GDL may use machine guns, rockets, mortars, and so on.
Unlike for Ardea and Kitoy, automatic rifles (machine guns that fire from a box magazine) are permitted as well.
If bringing anything other than an individual weapon, it is usually best to discuss with your chain of command or contact us.
All other weapons requirements apply
Be sure to read the complete equipment requirements on weapons, be familiar with them, and help others on your team abide by them. Please note many rules are there for safety, so we rigorously enforce all of them.
Individual weapons may not use hi-caps. External gas hoses and other visibly-airsoft systems are not permitted. If it doesn't look like a real gun 10 feet away, it is probably not pemitted.
All guns will be chronographed, and marked if they pass. No weapons will allow for adjustment of velocity without tools or disassembly, or must be tournament locked at the chronoed power factor.
Note that your chain of command has authority to institute additional requirements or bans for weapon systems above and beyond those listed.
If you have any questions about the equipment requirements, please don't hesitate to ask us, privately via email, or openly on the Facebook page so everyone can see and discuss.
Uniform and Personal Equipment
To avoid any confusion over uniform identification, the GDL uniform must be:
- Non-matching. Uniforms must be two piece (top and bottom, no jumpsuits, flight suits, vehicle coveralls, etc) with different top and bottom color/pattern
- One piece must be a solid color, non-patterned. It also cannot be OD Green as the Kitoy permits that as a uniform color.
This should give huge leeway as there are many very good camouflage patterns and colors not issued to the Areans and Kitoy, which this gives you a chance to wear. A common solution is something strange you like on top (tiger stripe, MARPAT, Flectarn...), and solid range or work pants on the bottom.
Cold or wet weather gear, and headgear, does not have to match the uniform in color or pattern though attention must be paid to not ruining the two-different-colors part when you change outerwear. Avoid using colors and patterns of Ardea or Kitoy for this also.
If you bring spare uniforms, they do not need to be the same for the entire event as long as each worn combination follows the above requirements.
The GDL insignia is a white triangle on a green field, point up. That is all the guidance that exists. It may be any size or shape of triangle, any form, the field may be any shape, and there is no specification for the color green. You are encouraged to make your own insignia, or get together to make them as a group.
No other insignia of any sort are permitted, to avoid confusion with other CWG units, or real world units. You are absolutely required to or remove all insignia from your uniforms, web gear, etc. You may use ad hoc methods of identifying units in the field such as tape on the back of helmets, or rags worn around the arm. However, be sure these do not conflict with other markings used for the event; red means you are a casualty, so do not use red rags or other red markers.
No rank is worn by GDL personnel. While there will be individuals in charge of units, and something akin to a chain of command, there are no insignia or other regular marking of role or rank. You may use ad-hoc markers such as arm bands and tape markers or labels, but these are not prescriptive or consistent from one unit or event to the next.
Load Bearing Equipment
You will need to have a way to carry equipment on your body, including spare ammunition, other suggested equipment such as a light, compass, and notebook, and the (at least) two liters of water required. Any style is acceptable. A belt load, suspender system, vest, or anything else that can comfortably and securely.
There is no unit of issue (number of magazines to be carried) at a GDL level, but your chain of command may set requirements or standards.
All other equipment requirements apply
Be sure to read the complete equipment requirements load bearing gear, be familiar with them, and help others on your team abide by them. Please note many rules are there for safety, so we rigorously enforce all of them.
If you have any questions about the equipment requirements, please don't hesitate to ask us, privately via email, or openly on the Facebook page so everyone can see and discuss.
Communications Equipment
Radios are not issued
No communications devices will be issued. You may use any legal communications device, to include radio, field phones, mobile phones, satellite pagers, and probably anything else we haven't thought of.
Anything is permitted for communications by the GDL as long as safe and legal. Note that flares are often NOT permitted due to fire hazard.
If operating radios you need to contact us to be part of the frequency plan. This will avoid conflict with the Ardean and Kitoy issue radios, and other GDL forces.
All other communications rules apply
Be sure to read the complete rules on electronic devices, be familiar with them, and help others on your team abide by them. Please note many rules are there for safety, so we rigorously enforce all of them.
No jamming, no other deliberate interference with enemy radio communications is permitted. The Kitoy and Ardeans are assumed to be operating modern secure military radios, so you can use direction finding equipment but cannot listen in on their conversations.
If you have any questions about the the rules or requirements, please don't hesitate to ask us, privately via email, or openly on the Facebook page so everyone can see and discuss.
Shelter, Sleep and Sustainment Equipment
While we encourage you to try to pack all equipment into a rucksack, it is not actually required for GDL troops.
Unlike the Ardean or Kitoy, who will be occupying multiple positions in the field, and may move at a moment's notice, the GDL will have their campsite and/or aid station and supply point across the border in Pahmato. This theoretically cannot be reached by the Ardean or Kitoy troops, but will be nearby, so they can see and hear where it is and make plans for when you cross the border and become fair game. For secrecy, as well as to avoid accidents if participants miss the border, the campsite will be operated tactically. It should remain quiet and dark to not let on where the secret base is. Borders are not physical barriers, so mistakes or violations may occur; eye protection will be worn at all times whenever outside of sealed tents or other sealed shelters (e.g. vehicles with the windows rolled all the way up).
Since you will have a fixed campsite, GDL troops may place all sustainment items such as sleeping systems, tents, and meal prep equipment into the Ready Bag (or a sturdy and waterproof box) and return to the supply point, at the basecamp, when needed.
A ruck is strongly encouraged, as you may still have to carry some supplies long distances, and it is likely that at least some forces will set up forward bases, observation posts, and overnight ambushes. The field may seem relatively small, but can be constrained, and at night with enemy forces it can take hours to get back to your campsite, or may be impossible without being found. Everyone is encouraged to be able to sleep and eat in the field so the mission has a higher chance of being completed.
All other equipment requirements apply
Be sure to read the complete equipment requirements, be familiar with them, and help others on your team abide by them. Please note many rules are there for safety, so we rigorously enforce all of them.
For example, don't assume you will be in a tent even if you bring one. You may need to occupy a forward position, it may become much colder than expected, or your tent may simply break, so follow the requirements for a sleep system that works outside a tent, with a waterproof bivy or similar solution.
If you have any questions about the equipment requirements, please don't hesitate to ask us, privately via email, or openly on the Facebook page so everyone can see and discuss.