28 – 30 March 2025 Force-on-Force FTX, Mixed-System Ava, Missouri
Low intensity warfare, high stakes
Operation Swift Fox 25 is our annual premier force-on-force wargaming event, of a long-recurring spring fight in the Central Grafsten Highlands, a long-disputed area between between the fictional nations of Ardea and the Republic of Kitoy with the recent addition of insurgents from a neighboring country. You will be deployed as part of a unit of light infantry to find, fix and destroy (or displace) enemy forces in your area of operations.
No one is coming to save you
Swift Fox operates with small, independent units. We have deliberately set the scenarios with third world armies in a low-intensity conflict in a largely trackless jungle. There is no artillery, air support, real time surveillance, adjacent units or reserves that can assist. Instead your unit is on it's own to solve the problems you encounter.
Units at Swift Fox are often as small as 4 individuals, and large units traditionally not above about 10. Some logistics support is provided (such as water and ammunition) but pack what you need to support yourself in a non-permissive environment for 2-1/2 days.
Day and night, all weather:
This event will run continuously for 51 hours. We do not stop for night or poor weather (short of actual safety concerns). Make sure you are prepared for all likely conditions.
Swift Fox is small-unit war gaming
We're always seeking to improve, and one is just being transparent. Here's some baseline info about our plans for this spring's egame:
Operations, not just gunfights – Mission first, which isn't capture the flag. You will have tasks all weekend, and any fights will be about getting to your objectives, within the ROE, and not for the sake of having a fight.
But also great gunfighting – When we do have gunfights, we want them as accurate as possible. We're tweaking how MILES integrateswith airsoft this year so there's even less place to hide and run away from a fight.
We are small – We'd love to have 50 people sign up, but it can be 12, or only 6 and we still do everything we can, and make that work.
We always have it – If no one signs up, we're still going to the woods for the weekend with all our stuff. Unless there's a pandemic, war, or wildfire, game is always on.
Immersive – You get orders, a chain of command, and work day and night in all weather. We're always tweaking leadership choices to balance immersion and game control. GDL will be led better than last year.
Connected – Better all the time. We've spent money updating antennas and will be doing more to track, hopefully we'll have data connectivity over much of the field, as well as military-grade voice.
Things that have changed lately, if you haven't attended for a couple years:
New field – The field is still only lightly explored, so no one playing will know it all by heart. There are almost no roads, so you have to navigate to not get lost, may find surprises.
Better field – No intrusions like people living on the property, livestock, etc., no serious internal fences, and some actual (though mostly derelict, and small) buildings.
Unlimited engagement range – No more just looking at each other outside of airsoft range but MILES lasers are added to some rifles, and all players. Learn to sneak better, and keep your eyes open for enemy to shoot anywhere you see them.
Reliable medic intervention – Every fire team goes out with the medic bag, and whoever has it is "the medic," to assure that casualties have to be dealt with as planned instead of the medic not being there, and always dying first.
Tighter control – Event planning cadre either in charge of or in close-coordination with each faction, to assure everyone stays on mission, and everyone stays engaged, safe and reasonably happy.
Reserve your spot! Sign up today:
Registration for Operation Swift Fox 25 is open! Price has risen but as little as we can, and just to cover the costs of providing a different and much more capable gaming environment with the rental of the MILES equipment, and certain other costs with the new field.
Registration for Operation Swift Fox 25 will open as soon as we have nailed down final pricing. Please visit our Facebook page to follow event plans, as questions, and check back for further announcements.
To assure we can balance the forces for better game play based on signups, we ask everyone to sign up to play a section faction as an alternative. If you have gear and uniform for this, please select it at registration time.
Prepare yourself, get training and shake down your equipment by attending other CWG and joint events, all listed on the training and war gaming events page.
The factions:
There are at least two and as many as three different fighting forces available. If you have multiple uniforms and weapons please make every effort to sign up for multiple factions to assure better balance of forces.
The available factions for sign up are:
Ardea in M81 Woodland uniforms or similar, with battle rifles like FN FAL, G3, and M14. Read more in the equipment requirements.
The GDL, Grupo de Liberare is a guerilla group from a neighboring country, abusing international law to operate safe havens and smuggle items through the disputed region where these armies fight. Most equipment and rules are the same, but they will vary from the Ardean or Kitoy forces in organization, uniform, weapons, and tactics, so read up on them. Lightfighter Studies Group will be commanding this unit and fielding players to staff it though others can also sign up.
Worried it is too much?
If you think this is all too much, whether for the gear requirements or the level of activity, contact us with your concerns and we'll talk through them.
We have gear to loan, and activity levels can often be tuned based on what faction you choose, or what role you have there so we can advise or note that.
We hope to field a "white cell" administrative or game control unit, to provide direction to playable factions from higher command, act as adjacent units, and perform other actions. This is another way to participate, and if interested then again contact us about it.
It is early days so what will happen is up in the air as yet, and who gets to do which task will not be revealed until quite close to the event, here are typical things that do take place at CWG events:
Long-range-patrol style Light infantry, who will move and scout the entire time with fixed no base camp.
OP/LP (observation post/listening post) focused activities, with maximum stealth.
Perform route recon, finding and evaluating ways to walk or drive to objectives/
Defending a fixed outpost, with surrounding buildings and roads, which requires active defense, sending out regular patrols.
Vehicle-centric operations, using jeeps and trucks for movement of equipment, or rapidly attacking and withdrawing.
Movement of equipment across the field, in support of other operations, or as the end goal of your unit, without being detected.
Radio relay, establishing communications for others (real or notional).
As always, if you wish to bring your vehicles, shelters, heavy weapons, drones, unusual communications gear, or other equipment, just contact us to work out details and assure the scenario and faction assignments work out to support it best.
Event Logistics
The event takes place from Friday 28 March to Sunday 30 March, 2025
Registration is from 0700 - 0800 on Friday morning. You must be there by 8 am to assure all paperwork and equipment checks are completed in time.
Start time is 0900. You will either walk out of the assembly area or get on trucks and deploy right at 9.
You may only enter (or leave) the field at the planned times or by other arrangement, for safety and accountability. If late for the start, or you become ill, injured or aware of a crisis you must deal with to leave early, contact staff and we'll arrange for exceptions.
Combat activities end by 1200 (noon) on Sunday. Often earlier, whenever a clearly-culminating event has occurred. This is followed by:
Policing gear and cleanup of battle and bivouac sites
A brief AAR for each side
Transport back to the assembly area
Equipment turn-in and personell accountability
Photo time with the group, briefly
Dismissal of participants
The location is near Ava, Missouri which is about an hour drive from either Branson or Springfield. I-44 runs through Springfield making road access easy for much almost anyone. It is about 3 - 1/2 hours from either St Louis, Tulsa, or Kansas City, more like 4 hours from Little Rock, Memphis or Tulsa, and under 8 hours from Chicago or Indianapolis.
You will be given driving directions and a map a few weeks before the event. Carpooling including shuttling from nearby airports is possible, common, and encouraged, but plan ahead to coordinate this.
Some of the last bits of the road and access drive are rough. It will be scouted and flagged for the best route and should work for all if driven carefully, but if you have an option for an SUV or other higher clearance vehicle, take that instead of the sports car.
Payment, Terms
The total event fee is $199.
All payments must be received by noon on 1 March 2024.
All payments are for this event are final and not-refundable.
This event has limited participation: Only 40 total participants are permitted among all factions. After that, registration will be closed and no more sign ups are permitted. If there are dropouts with sufficient notice, we may open a few slots for late registration to fill the TOO.
If you have signed up but cannot attend, payments are transferable to other attendees with advance notice, but may not be applied to other CWG events.
What to Bring
Read the rules to make sure you can meet the equipment requirements and expectations set forth above for the side you pick before you sign up. Be sure to also read the mixed systems addendum so plan accordingly, such as bringing hearing protection.
The GDL has some equipment and rules changes which you should read. These are variations only, so see the general equipment requirements list is a good guide you should read through.
Be sure to read up on the new mixed systems rules and equipment. After this event we may commit to it, and integrate these fragmented rules to a single set again so there's less to read, but it is still a bit experimental.
Reserve your spot! Sign up today:
Registration for Operation Swift Fox 25 is open! Price has risen but as little as we can, and just to cover the costs of providing a different and much more capable gaming environment with the rental of the MILES equipment, and certain other costs with the new field.
Registration for Operation Swift Fox 25 will open as soon as we have nailed down final pricing. Please visit our Facebook page to follow event plans, as questions, and check back for further announcements.
To assure we can balance the forces for better game play based on signups, we ask everyone to sign up to play a section faction as an alternative. If you have gear and uniform for this, please select it at registration time.